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blowout-preventer flange

См. также в других словарях:

  • фланец противовыбросового превентора — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN blowout preventer flange …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Deepwater Horizon oil spill — 2010 oil spill and BP oil spill redirect here. For other oil spills in 2010, see 2010 oil spill (disambiguation). For the 2006 oil spill involving BP, see Prudhoe Bay oil spill. For the drilling rig and explosion, see Deepwater Horizon… …   Wikipedia

  • Drilling rig (petroleum) — The equipment associated with a rig is to some extent dependent on the type of rig but typically includes at least some of the following items: #Mud tank #Shale shakers #Suction line (mud pump) #Mud pump #Motor or power source #Vibrating hose… …   Wikipedia

  • List of components of oil drilling rigs — This article lists the main components of a petroleum onshore drilling rig. Offshore drilling rigs have similar elements, but are configured with a number of different drilling systems to suit drilling in the marine environment. The equipment… …   Wikipedia

  • Casing head — A [http://www.glossary.oilfield.slb.com/Display.cfm?Term=casinghead Casing head] is a large metal flange welded or screwed onto the top of the conductor pipe (also known as drive pipe ) or the casing and is used to bolt the surface equipment to.… …   Wikipedia

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